Is Dr. Seuss Being Cancelled?


Tricia Blackwood, Staff Writer

Dr. Seuss was an extremely talented author, who was famous for writing kids book and stories. He appealed to the interest of children because he wrote fun, and relatable books for children. His books were filled with fun choice of wording and bright colors. His books have gone down in history as a major part of a lot of young people’s childhood. Growing up, you learn to read from Dr. Seuss, and you fall in love with his work. For years, Dr. Seuss was the foundation of many students  way of learning to read and write.

Though nothing has been discovered in the past, it seems as if someone has come across some sensitive imagery and words that Dr. Seuss used. After debate, people are at conflict and attempting to “cancel” Dr. Seuss. We live in a world full of “cancel culture”, which is where is someone does something that you do not like, you completely shut them down and cut them off. For Dr. Seuss getting cancelled would ruin is legacy, and everything he worked for throughout his entire career. His work would no longer be published, and the sales would began to fade. As well as the joy that his work has brought to young people for years on end.

But does he deserve to get cancelled? Dr. Seuss books have always had and held the legacy of being fun and entertaining. However, is it truly entertaining is people are getting offended? Fun isn’t being derogatory towards someone, and apparently Dr. Seuss has done just that. Some things just should not be tolerated, and if Dr. Seuss had bad intentions then his work should not be either. But since Dr. Seuss has been such an essential part of many peoples childhood, is it truly necessary to completely shut down his legacy? Instead of removing all of his books from being published, it seeks as if a decision has been made to only remove six of his books. This way, Dr. Seuss will not completely be “cancelled”, just six of his books will be. He will still be found in shelves of stores, and his legacy will still remain in certain ways, the books that were known for being inspirational and exciting for all people will still be the same.

The list of books that are being cancelled for racist imagery and insensitive wording are “And to Think I saw it on Mulberry Street”, “If I Ran The Zoo”, “McElligots Pool”, “On Beyond Zebra!”, “Scrambled Eggs Super!”, and. “The Cats Quizzer”