AP Exams: What’s Going to Happen?

“Based on the number and length of school closures, it’s clear that the usual way AP Exams are given at schools won’t be possible.”

AP Exams: What's Going to Happen?

Mariana Razo, Staff Writer

The fate of returning to school is unknown due to the outbreak and it’s rapid spread. However, many AP students have wondered: What does this mean for the end-of-year exams?

On March 20, College Board announced that all AP Exams will be taken online instead of the usual face-to-face exam due to the COVID-19. This comes after the Trump administration announced that states will be able to cancel standardized testing in K-12 for the remainder of the school year. As for the AP Exam, Students will take a 45-minute online free-response exam at home instead of the 2-3 hour exam. They are currently working on selecting the questions for the exam. The exam will only include topics that were covered in class by early March.

  • Students will be able to take the exam on any device (computer, tablet, or smartphone)
  • A photo of handwritten work will be an option as well, reach out to College Board if you need access to a device
  • The questions will be designed to prevent cheating, there will also be a plagiarism detection software
  • There will be 2 different testing dates for each AP subject

According to College Board, they will also unlock practice questions “…of the type that will appear on the exam.” The exam schedule will be available on April 3 which will include the free-response question types that will appear on each exam. Beginning on Wednesday, March 25, College Board will provide free, live AP review courses on their YouTube channel.

Visit apstudents.collegeboard.org/coronavirus-updates for more information regarding AP Exams.