“Thor: Ragnarok”, Where Marvel Meets Norse Mythology


Marvel’s third movie released this year brings an oft-forgotten Avenger into the limelight: Thor, the god of thunder of Greek mythology, the courageous Marvel super hero, and the role played by Chris Hemsworth. The movie is just a little over two hours long, and there is no downtime or shortage of action.

The plot takes place about two years after Avengers: Age of Ultron in which the Hulk goes missing. At the start of this movie, Thor glimpses the beginning of Ragnarok, the prophetic apocalypse of Asgard. Thor and Loki, the trickster god and past menace of the Avengers, join forces, as brothers, to save their home realm. Thor, along the way, learns a valuable lesson from his father Oden about the true essence of Asgard as a people — not just a planet. Some major dark secrets are revealed about Oden’s past, and the throne becomes up for grabs.

Along the way, Stan Lee appears in his usual fashion: in a hilarious cameo. The heroes also make some new “friends,” whom they encounter, including Dr. Strange, Bruce Banner, Hela, the Grand Master, and Creed. There are gladiator-style fights, fights on a bridge, fights through vortex portals, fights in some woods, and even one-man-army-versus-a-whole-army fights.

The reviews of this movie have been mixed thus far; some critics have said it is the first Thor movie to have made sense, while others are not so keen on the seemingly forced humor. The film assumes the viewer knows everything that has happened in the Marvel Universe and nothing about mythology. It is simply for the devout Marvel fan yet not for the mythology enthusiast, for the film does alter the original tale from which the plot derives. The movie is rated PG-13, and, indeed, some jokes and themes are not for youthful ears.

I would recommend this movie to anybody who is a huge Marvel fan or just wants to see a good action-packed movie. On a standard letter-grade scale, I would give this movie a ninety-three.