It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

Lexi Fowler, Staff Writer

Sometimes it’s hard to express your feelings to the people around you.  Not because you’re afraid of what they’ll say, but because our culture doesn’t seem to be very open on being honest about their pains.  The reality is that way too many people are putting on a face of perfection in order to keep people from knowing how they are truly hurting.  It’s as if everyone feels like showing pain is a sign of weakness. I’ll be the one to tell you that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes.  It’s okay to admit that you’re hurting, broken or even confused about your current spot in life. It’s okay. Remember, even Jesus himself wept.

IT’S OKAY TO GET FRUSTRATED. No one has the answers to everything, and even the smartest of people in the world find themselves frustrated at times.  It’s okay to not know the answer, solution, or reason for things that have taken place.  The light at the end of the tunnel is knowing that God has everything under control, even when we ourselves do not.  Don’t let anyone tell you it’s wrong to get frustrated.  Sometimes frustration is the breeding ground of change.

IT’S OKAY TO CRY. There is nothing wrong with crying and letting out a few tears.  Whoever said crying is for babies was a liar, and definitely has never watched The Notebook.  The reality is that even Jesus himself wept, and crying can sometimes be the relief you need to move on and regroup.  Showing emotion is good for the soul, and crying has been known to help regulate depression, anxiety and even stress

IT’S OKAY NOT TO UNDERSTAND. Not everything is going to have an answer, but that’s where the beauty of faith comes in.  There are circumstances and events in your life that you aren’t going to understand, but you have to realize that it’s okay to not know all the answers.  There is humility in saying “I don’t know.”  And frankly, sometimes admitting that you don’t know is the first step in finding relief and comfort in your situation.  Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s wrong to admit you don’t understand.

IT’S OKAY TO GET STRESSED.  Let’s face it: stress is unavoidable.  I’m not saying it’s going to take over your entire life, but stress is one of those things that all of us will eventually face in one way or another.  When you come into areas of your life that are considered stressful, realize that it’s going to last as long as you allow it to.  Stress is unavoidable, but allowing it to control your life is not.   It’s okay to be stressed sometimes, just don’t let stress become who you are.

But most importantly, IT’S OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY. Job, Elijah, Jonah, and Abraham were all men throughout the Bible who dealt with incredible hard times, But God continued to see them through their pain.  It was okay for them through their pain.  It was okay for them to not be okay.  Why? Because they were all human, and God created us to feel all different kinds of emotions.  Life will throw hard things at us at times when we least expect it but it’s okay to not be okay.  Step by step, day by day, one breathe at a time, you’ll make it.  I promise.