Teacher of the week: Mr. Miller


Lilly Walker, Staff Writer

Announcing for the Indian Post, the teacher of the week for the 22-23 Academic School Year is, Mr. Kevin Miller. Mr. Miller is a history teacher at Gaffney High School, it is his first year at Gaffney High School but he has been teaching at Union County Schools for a year. He taught at Dorman High School and Spartanburg High School for a semester. Mr. Miller’s first year at Gaffney high school is much better than he could ever imagined, the administration has assisted him with so many valuable “teacher-related” activities and information that is especially needed by a teacher coming from a different profession. His biggest learning curve has been with technology, but many of the other teachers help him with his questions. When he is grading papers, his most important factor, is to have a Rubric for every assessment. He wants to treat every student the same, and a rubric does not allow for much. Sometimes, he will add an extra credit section to a rubric. Mr. Miller’s lesson plans are either several activities or a short lecture, and he might lead one activity and only facilitate other activities, so that the students take ownership of their learning. He will close with a short activity, that wraps up the content studied that particular day. When he communicates with parents, he believes to let them know about successes or good things that a student has done. He wants positive phone calls to heavily outweigh the number of calls to home about problems with a student’s behavior or concerns about grades. He hopes to contact each parent or guardian at least once each nine-week period. He tries his best to limit all homework but he expects his students to study nights before a quiz or test. Mr. Miller loves his students and believes that nearly all of them are focused on the topics covered in their U. S. History class and give their very best effort. He wants his students to learn important information about American History. Most importantly, he wants his students to become lovers of the learning process so that they will be lifetime learners. Gaining knowledge leads to informed opinions and makes a student a more interesting person. He believes field trips have become a difficult issue; the expense of field trips can make them prohibitive. His main policy is to take a field trip that does not cost the student anything to attend and participate. Congratulations to Mr. Kevin Miller for being our teacher of the week!