Art In Motion

This week we interviewed three art teachers and asked questions about their artwork and what they were working on in their classrooms. The three teachers we interviewed were Mrs. Voeller, Mr. Mages, and Mrs. Mclary. They each told us a little bit about what their students were doing in their classrooms and explained to us the meaning of them doing it. 

Mrs. Voeller is an incredible Art I teacher here at GHS. For her students this week, they are working on experimenting with different drawing techniques such as shading and cross-hatching. Mrs. Voeller says the project her students are doing is to help the students express their favorite things and their feelings in drawing and writing. She says that the way students do this is by “Creating a list of their favorite things and applying words to symbols in their depictions they create.” Mrs. Voeller also feels like students should be allowed to express their inner emotions through drawing or writing, especially if they don’t want to talk about things out loud. 

Ms. McClary is an art teacher at Gaffney High School. She is such a kind and considerate teacher. She is creative and inspires her students to become the best they can possibly be. Currently in Ms. McClary’s classroom, students are learning how to do grids. Grid drawings help you increase or decrease the drawing of your pictures. Students just finished the Art Expo Cover Contest. The Art Expo is the annual art show for the district of Cherokee County. It consists of elementary, middle and high school students. The middle and high school students compete for the cover of the Art Expo. Students apply what they learn in Ms. McClary’s class to everyday life. For example, some of the projects they work on can be applied to architecture, graphic design, and fashion design. Ms. McClary is truly an amazing teacher. Teachers like Ms. McClary leave a lasting impact on the lives of their students.      

Jeffery Mages, known as Coach Mages, is one of our many art teachers here at Gaffney High. In his classroom, students are doing neo graphic drawings. Neo graphic drawings are subconscious drawings that activate the eyes and brain. To apply their learning, his classroom is doing a project that uses markers and colored pencils to create the design. Art is used in many ways in the real world so, I asked coach Mages how he thinks art will help his students. Mages says that “art applies to everything that we do. We design everyday between the clothes we wear, items we buy, and even houses.” Coach Mages has such a great personality, and he is an amazing art teacher to learn from.   

All these three teachers have very good hearts and love teaching students the true meaning of art. We really enjoyed interviewing these teachers and seeing what they were working on inside their classrooms. These teachers showed their students lots of creative techniques and ways to create art and how to express themselves within it. Without even having to say anything these teachers are showing them how art can be a way to tap into your creativity and an outlet; all they must do is draw about it. These teachers love to help and make art a better and memorable experience for all students.