GHS Student Council
September 10, 2021
On Tuesday morning Gaffney High School Poll were open for student Councli voting, the polls were open till 2p.m. Congratulations are in order for the following students:
Freshman Class- Sophomore Class- Junior Class- Senior Class- Student Body Officers-
-President:Taylor Wilkerson -President:Cason Wiggins -President:Jordan Mathis -President: Kensley Scates -President: Anna Paris
-Vice President: Aubree Rice -Vice President:Randy Hannon -Vice President: Kamaya Whitaker -Vice President:Mallory Joy -Vice President: Vidhi Patel
-Secretary: Z’Niyah Garrison – Secretary: Lindsey Ellis -Secretary: Kensley Parker -Secretary: Ryan Clary -Secretary:Adam Sturges
-Treasurer: Kirsteona Phillips -Treasurer: Emily Petty -Treasurer: Moriah Little -Treasurer: Amaria Wilkins -Treasurer: Kyra Smith
Congratulation to all of our 2021-2022 Student Council Officers !!