Editorial: America the Beautiful?

Haylee Freeman, Staff Writer

As COVID rages on, the White House does too. President Joe Biden continues to encourage the country to wear a mask (two of them actually), socially distance, wash your hands, and take the vaccine. As we all know, America is the land of freedom; freedom of speech, right to bear arms, freedom of religion, and much more. The people of America have had these freedoms since this country was built many, many years ago. People come to America to escape persecution and tyranny. However, in the recent days it feels like America is slowly becoming less of a free country.

Women are given the opportunity to choose to kill their baby or not. This has become a very controversy topic and many here in America, including our president, believes it is okay to kill an innocent life. Did you know that in New York and Virginia they recently passed laws that allows a baby to be aborted up until the moment of actual birth? The president, the news, and the politicians tell us that women should have the right to choose. They should have the choice. You probably know the saying “my body, my choice” or “her body, her choice.” However, these masks that we are required to wear in order to enter a restaurant, a shopping mall, a grocery store, a school, and practically everywhere else are not giving us that option.

If women “should have the right to choose,” shouldn’t we? Shouldn’t we have the option to wear a mask if we please to or not to if we do not choose? Yes. After all it is our body, so it is our choice, right? No, not right now. It is no longer our choice. At this point, you can get asked to leave a store for not wearing it.

The President is urging everyone to get the COVID vaccine as well. This vaccine was made in less than a year. It has taken years for scientists and lab techs to come up with vaccines and medicines, and this one was made in less than a year.  One day soon, I don’t doubt we’ll all have to have the vaccine in order to go anywhere or do anything. We’ll be required to have it to attend school, work, the store, or any public place. Again, freedom of choice will be overridden in order for us to all be required to receive the vaccine.

America is not going to be the America we all know for much longer, and something will have to be done to stop it. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later though.