Bored During Quarantine?


Kylie McAllister, Staff Writer

Social distancing can be exhausting on the mind, body, and soul. You must keep yourself healthy during this trying time. Doctors suggest you stay inside and 6 feet away from other, also no other gatherings of 6+ people. Now as we take these 10 days off of school, here are some things to help you grow and stay well.

For your mind…make sure to keep up with your school work. Watch educational shows on PBS. You can use these days to learn new things. Read new books! The Cherokee County Library is offering curbside pickup. They also have a variety of online resources that are open to the public. Visit for more information.

For your body…all gyms are closed right now, but there are other remedies for you. Try stretching or yoga. Make sure not to spend to much time laying down.

For your soul…your soul, at least to me, is the most important. In order to keep your soul aligned and happy, try a new hobby. I would try crochet or cross-stitch. Don’t spend to much time on your phone. Socialize!

These are all important things and remember the most important thing is your health, mental and physical. Be kind to your body, especially now.