The One That Inspired Me
February 20, 2020
I have always valued learning above most everything else, and I tend to make the fact that I love to learn new things known to the people around me. Usually, that leads to teachers loving me but my peers, not so much. In my first year of middle school, I remember not making a lot of friends and spending most of my time in the library. It was in this library that I met Barbara Vassey. I completely understand that this essay was meant for teachers, not librarians, but my definition of a teacher is someone that provides learning to young minds that will instill a positive impact and that is exactly what Mrs. Barbara Vassey did for me.
Barbara Vassey was a librarian at Gaffney Middle School. She was married to Mr.Vassey, who was a coach at Grassy Pond. After my work was done in class, I would hang out in the library either helping or chatting with her while she worked. Most people thought she was too strict or that she didn’t like them, but I knew she just wanted everyone to try their best to be better. We both shared a love for reading and learning. I helped her put away books, we recommended a new book series to each other, and she helped me edit the stories I wrote. We mostly talked about Harry Potter since she was going to Orlando that year. Our talks and her advice about the drama that was going on in my life at that time really helped me get through middle school.
During middle school, I really struggled to fit in and find myself at the same time. My parents were talking about getting a divorce, and my mom moved into my grandma’s house to stay away from my dad. My dad had a short temper and wasn’t home much, so I took care of my brother on my own. I continued to get into short term relationships with people that just brought me down, but Mrs.Vassey really helped me realize how much better I was without bad people. I no longer searched for friends or boyfriends, and instead, I spent my time writing down my feelings and reading to help understand other people’s feelings.
Mrs.Vassey helped me through quite a few breakups, and we even mourned the death of Alan Rickman together. I know now how important those times in middle school were to shape me into who I am today. Everyone deserves someone like Mrs.Vassey to help them through the tough times in their lives. She still helps me now. When applying to my first job, I intended to use her as a reference in my application. She told me to include in my form that I worked for her for three years in the library. I am unbelievably indebted to her for making sure I am who I am today.