let all that you do be done in LOVE

Haylee Freeman, Staff Writer

Have you ever had someone smile or wave at you just out of pure kindness? I have, and it truly makes a difference in how you feel. You could be having the worst day, but then out of someone’s pure kindness they smile at you and it completely changes your whole mood. For instance, when I am out and about somewhere, I try and smile at everyone I come in contact with. Like the saying goes, “if someone doesn’t have a smile, give them one of yours!”

As a Christian, it is one of my jobs to help lift others up and be a good, Godly example to everyone around me. I try my best to help “make everyone’s day a little brighter!” I have been making it a habit to be “a ray of sunlight” to others around me.

I have recently been into the color yellow because I like bright, and uplifting things. I think of yellow as the “happy” color. Being like “sunlight” to others could be the difference in a good day for someone or a not so good day. Not only is it a nice thing to do to lift others up, but it also makes you feel good on the inside. It is very rewarding to see someone’s face light up just by smiling at them or by throwing up a simple wave at them. I highly encourage you to try and be uplifting to all the people around you and to also strive to be like “sunshine!”

Let all that you do be done in love. – 1 Corinthians 16:14

In a world where you can be anything, Be Kind

Kindness- merciful, gracious, & tender temperament

Never stop being a good person, because of bad people.