Courtney Crocker

Courtney Crocker

What is your grade level?  11th grade

Which office are you running for?    Vice President

Are you involved in extracurricular activities or hobbies? –Church -Junior Ambassadors -Rise Above Drugs and Alcohol (RADA)

What is your 0pinion on the block schedule for next year? 

I think that the block schedule is a smart idea. I believe that it will benefit students and teachers. Students will have less classes to stress about, and teachers have more class time with students per day.

Why are you the best fit for the job?

 I am a very smart, outgoing girl who is willing to complete any task given to me. I’m a competitive person in everything I do, and I am determined to do the task to the best of my ability.

What are the three biggest issues facing GHS?

1. Students’ viewpoints are not taken into consideration. 2. Some teachers are biased towards certain things. 3. Some parents, teachers, and students disagree with some school rules.