James T. Cazel

James T. Cazel

Q: What is your grade level?


Q: Which office are you running for? 


Q: Are you involved in extracurricular activities or hobbies? 

I do volunteer work with Meals on Wheels. I also do GHS and Gaffney theater.

Q: What is your opinion on the block schedule for next year? 

I am very neutral on the block schedule because it is a drastic change, but people will learn to love it. It is beneficial.

Q: Why are you the best fit for the job? 

Because the world is ever so changing. Gaffney High is stuck at a constant phase. I believe I could motivate students and help others with projects. I could help plan meetings and keep things running smoothly.

Q: What are the 3 biggest issues facing GHS?

  1. Diversity
  2. Improper punishment for cheating
  3. Teacher-student involvement